<first name>, thank you for supporting a change in the law on assisted dying in the UK. Two quick questions for you:

Two quick questions for you:

What inspired you to add your name?

Great, thanks. And do you think we’ll win the campaign, and make assisted dying legal in the UK in the next five years?

<first name>, it’s never been so important to email your MP about assisted dying – can you help?

A new assisted dying Bill has been introduced in the House of Commons. This Bill could change the law for dying people – but this crucial opportunity will be completely wasted if MPs don’t vote for choice.

Will you send a quick but important email to your local MP and let them know how important assisted dying is to you? This is the only way to make sure they understand the impacts of our broken system and the urgent need for law change.

Thanks for showing your support for assisted dying, <first name>

Before you go…

This is an exciting time to join Dignity in Dying. Other countries are making assisted dying legal, and 75% of people support changing the law in Britain. We can win this campaign and get the law changed – but only if enough people like you join the fight.

<first name>, will you become a member and help win a new law on assisted dying?

Will you take 30 seconds to share this campaign, instead?

A majority of people support assisted dying in every single constituency – but not enough people are calling for law change in your area.

Will you increase your impact by sharing this with your neighbours and friends and help grow our movement where you live?

Want to leave a lasting impact?

Here’s one final way to make sure compassion wins: leave a gift in your Will to Dignity in Dying.

Your legacy could help change the law so that no dying person is forced to suffer against their wishes.

As a supporter, you can make your Will free of charge with the easy to use online service ‘Farewill’ - take as little as 15 minutes to start your Will today: